a Living Homeschool Community

The Orchard

Using the Charlotte Mason approach and our imagination, we connect children to the goodness of God and the richness of life through living books, nature study, the arts, math games, science experiments and plenty of time to play and create. 

The Orchard is a Jesus centered, wholehearted homeschool community providing a living education for our children that cultivates wonder, forges character, and nurtures a lifelong passion for learning. 

about us

A Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool community with weekly enrichment drop off days and nature groups in Central Texas.

A Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool community with weekly enrichment drop off day and monthly field trips in Central Texas.

Weekly drop off enrichment day for kids K-6th Grade

Subjects: Children rotate to stations throughout the day including: Art, History, Science, Culture Study, Math Games, Phonics (for K-2nd), and Creative Writing (for 3rd-6th)
Student Notebooks: Each student (excluding Preschool) gets a notebook that they carry to each station that they write and draw in.
Play: Each age group gets 30 minutes of free play/table work in the morning and afternoon and an hour of play outside.

Who: K-6th Grade 
Preschool Room Available (3's & 4's)
Class Sizes: 10-14 kids per 1-2 adults 
Where: Cypress Creek Church in Wimberley, TX
When: Thursdays from 9-3 (September-May)
How Much:
$175/month per child ($160/sibling)
$100 per child Registration/Supply Fee paid once a year.
We ask for parents to volunteer 2-3 times throughout the year.
***Tuition discounts are available if you are willing to teach or be an aid. 

Drop Off Program

Planned Monthly outings 

Field Trips

resources and inspiration to support your homeschool

Homeschool Support

Drop Off Day

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Program Overview

Program Overview

-PSALM 1:3

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in all he does."