• $175/month per student starting in September and ending in May. Sibling Rate is $160/month 
  • $100 Supply Fee per student per year due at registration.
  • We request a parent to volunteer 2-3 times throughout the year.



  • Who: K-6th Grade 
  • Preschool Room Available (3's & 4's)
  • Where: Cypress Creek Church in Wimberley, Texas
  • When: Thursdays from 9-3
  • September - May 

Program Overview

The Orchard meets one day a week for a drop off enrichment program based on themed unit studies. We do not assign any work to do outside of this day, but we may give suggestions to build off of at home if you choose. 

Drop off Day, Nature Group Day, Field Trips

Drop OFF Day

Our waitlist is open for the 2025-2026 school year


We lay a rich feast of learning on a variety of subjects. Our curriculum will be literature based meaning we will use quality picture books to deliver the content for most subjects. We will also plan open-ended, playful activities that engage the imagination and expand on lessons taught.  There will be monthly themes for history, science, and culture study which you may extend at home if you wish.  These themes will be chosen and communicated to our parents before the program begins in September. 


A day at the Orchard will include: 

Plenty of time Outside

Great Books

Character Development

Art & Creative Expression

Nature Study

Culture Study

Math Games



9:00-9:20 Arrive and choose table work (Lego, art, etc.)

9:20-9:45 Morning Time: Pray, Give Thanks, Character Work (Practice skills such as good listening, respecting boundaries, showing compassion) 

9:45-10:30 (45 Minutes) - History
History Picture Book Readings and Oral Narration (child retells what they remember from the story in their own words)
Notebooking (child draws a picture from the story and writes or dictates writing to an adult helper)

10:30-11:15 (45 Minutes) - Art
Art Study/Creative Time - this will be a time of open ended creating. We may look at art that inspires us or follow a creative prompt.  

11:15-12:45 Lunch and Free Play Outside (1.5 hours)

Learning Stations:
1:00-1:30 - Station 1 - Nature Study/Science Experiments (30 Minutes)

1:30-2:00 - Station 2 - Math Games/Manipulatives (30 Minutes)

2:00-2:30 - Station 3 - Around the World Culture Study (30 Minutes) - HAVE SNACK

2:30-3:00 - Play outside until Pickup

Sample Schedule

Monthly Field Trips

We know you want to take your kids on all the field trips. It may even be what drew you to homeschooling in the first place. Let's face it, sometimes they can end up feeling like another to do list item that you do not have time for. 

We will plan one field trip a month to places like The Wildflower Center's Fortlandia, Glass Bottom Boat Tours at the Meadow's Center, The Snake Farm in New Braunfels.... these will fun!